SIDGS February 2018 News Letter
SIDGS has been super busy so far in 2018! We recently participated in the Royals Hockey event: Golf Night at the Save-On Foods arena. Our goal for the evening was community engagement and education. The event went extremely well, with many people stopping by to learn about disc golf and the lack of permanent courses in the Greater Victoria area. Kids at the event had an absolute blast with mini discs flying and the promotional “This is Disc Golf” video drew a large crowd. We were able to display our new informational poster, which many stopped to read and expressed concern for the visible lack of courses in our area.
Unfortunately we were forced to postpone our Hyacinth Park 2.0 Disc golf event due extremely high winds, several large branches fell in the park during the day, so the postponement proved an extremely good call for safety reasons. We’re currently working towards more pop-up events in the future with Saanich, Sooke, and Victoria. If you have interest in hosting a pop-up event at a park near you, reach out to us; lets make disc golf front and centre in 2018! We are also excited to announce the rescheduled Hyacinth Park Pop-up disc golf 2.01 event to be held on Sunday March 4th, stay tuned for details and updated Facebook event.
In other news we’re working with local sponsors to further our agenda, and gain support for upcoming events. We’re extremely excited to announce a series of collaboration discs with DriftWood Brewery. Fancy yourself a FatTug Star Destroyer? Who wouldn’t!! Stay tuned for other molds, the release date, and where to buy!! If you need some new plastic immediately we’ve got a pile of new Innova Champion, Gstar, and DX factory seconds discs for sale at Metchosin Golf and Country Club/DGC so stop by for a round and feel up some new molds!
We are also proud to announce that the SIDGS designed and built Discovery Elementary School Course in Shawnigan Lake is open and ready for play! Remember this course is on school property so evenings and weekends only please. Furthermore, permission to play this course is a privilege, please be extremely respectful, pick-up garbage or recycling if you see any! There is a single day of work left on the course to install Tee-pad toe plates, any volunteers who’d like to come play a round and put in a little work would be hugely appreciated. Stay tuned on the SIDGS Facebook advocacy group page for details!
Moving forward in 2018, SIDGS will be working hard towards the 4th Annual Spring Chicken Tournament to be held at Metchosin DGC on Saturday April 14th. Big things are coming for the tournament this year including a $500 cash injection to the tournament prizes from SIDGS. Full event launch coming very soon!!!
If you have any questions or are looking to get involved please reach out to SIDGS via email at [email protected].
Have a great month and happy hucking!!