The SIDGS Members Benefit Program

Thinking about becoming an SIDGS Member? Join now and reap the rewards of our Membership Benefits Program. Receive a 2021 Bag Tag to compete in Tag Rounds and display that tag to receive the following discounts. As the year comes to end we’ll be looking to continue supporting these amazing retailers. We’re also currently planning a Tag Wrap-up Event for 2021!!

Newly added:

30% MeepMeep Disc Golf Trackers – Newly Launched & Taking Orders! MeepMeep is a Smart Disc Golf Accessory startup, based right here in Victoria, BC. They have just released orders for their first product, a stick-on Disc Golf tracker! This would not have been possible without the feedback, testing, and other support from SIDGS members and MeepMeep would like to extend their thanks with all SIDGS members who order before their first drop closes Dec 23rd at

The MeepMeep Pilot is a stick-on, Bluetooth connected tracker that prioritizes a slim & lightweight design, durability (weather & impact resistance), and ease of use. As an accessibility-first product, MeepMeep helps all players search less and play more, including those with vision & cognitive impairments. MeepMeep’s dream is to develop not only more and more aerodynamic trackers, but to move into flight tracking, AI-coaching, and other smart disc golf accessories. 

New Balance Victoria!!! 15% off regular priced items until the end of the year. They’ve got some great shoes for disc golfing, head on over and check them out.

10% off discs and disc related product at Kirby’s Source For Sports

Kirbys Source for Sports located at 894 Cloverdale Ave has fully embraced disc golf, they carry discs and bags from the following brands:



MVP           AXIOM                 MILLENIUM          DISCRAFT

10% off discs at Coastal Ski+Sport (Sports Rent) – One time discount with new or renewed membership

Stop in and check out their discs! They Carry some awesome plastic including Innova and Kastaplast.

$3 off a disc from Clayton Beddington at Bangin Chains Disc Sales (one time use)

Bangin Chains has one of the best selections of the most sought after plastic and hard to find discs. Reach out to Clayton Beddington on Facebook and setup a time to view his store or ask if he’s got what you’re looking for. He usually does!

5% off

Become an SIDGS member and get the discount code. Acerunners has it all.

10% off Driftwood Brewery – discount with display of Bag Tag

Driftwood! Their beer is the best and this year they have more awesome custom stamped Innova discs!

Aviar3 – OG Haze Stamp

Rat – Arcus Pilsner Stamp

Roc3 – Fat Tug Stamp

10% off 2% Jazz Coffee Shop

Need to get fuelled up for disc golfing? Pop into to 2% Jazz for a coffee or buy some of there delicious beans! Display you tag at either location and get 10% off.

SIDGS is so thankful for these amazing sponsors and their support of disc golf locally and our members! We have some exciting things coming up that we cant wait to share with you. We also have some awesome programs and events in the works. Become a member today!!!

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One Comment

  1. Hi my name is Ryder and I am interested in becoming much more active in disc golf. What options are available and is it possible to becoming a team member.

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